Santosh Shrestha – Chairman

Santosh Shrestha – Chairman

‘Eve Nepal Overseas Pvt. Ltd.’ delighted in being the holding vendor of outsource human manpower and wants to heartily thank all its foreign and domestic associates and clients and nodes, who trusted us enough to make possible what we are planning and executing. We aspire to make the right absorption of the two parties and have the progressive foundation for the betterment of an individual and company. Hovering to quarries and information may deprive the reality and lacks the reliability, so, Eve Nepal goes so closely to every intuition and acts accordingly.

Having been in the industry for over several years, we project global prosperity as well as mutual welfare of both all Nepalese manpower and overseas businesses organization. I would like to assure on the reliability and accuracy on us.

Thanking You,

Santosh Shrestha
Chairman Eve Nepal Overseas Pvt. Ltd.